



  • 在旅行前複習你的技巧
  • 準備你的下一門課程
  • 獲得更新過的認證卡片
  • 組裝潛水裝備;處理常見問題;輕鬆地表現基本技巧


你的 PADI 證書永遠不會過期;但是,如果你已經有一段時間沒有潛水了,多做些準備總比冒著風險強,因為你會忘記一些重要的東西。 潛水中心也很樂意看到你的認證卡片上有著最近的再激活訓練日期。

The PADI Difference

For over 50 years, PADI has undeniably been the Way the World Learns to Dive®, setting the standard for the highest quality dive training, underwater safety and conservation initiatives while evolving the sport of diving into a passionate lifestyle.


(and counting) PADI certified divers to date!


PADI dive centers and resorts across the globe


PADI Professional members worldwide



想分享經驗或送一份無止境探險的禮物嗎? 您可以立即購買 PADI eLearning®,並與您選擇的收件人分享-這非常簡單。 無論您是作為禮物購買課程還是需要將其分配給家庭成員,都非常簡單。

  1. 一旦您購買了您的在線學習課程,登錄到您的 PADI 賬戶訪問課程。
  2. 在控制面板中,轉到學生詳細信息並管理您的課程。
  3. 您可以決定自己開始線上學習或“分享課程”。
  4. 要共享課程,只需單擊“共享課程”並輸入您希望與之共享課程的收件人的電子郵件地址。
  5. 收件人將收到一封電子郵件,用於創建或登錄其 PADI 帳戶以開始課程。

水肺潛水要求最低程度的健康和身體素質良好。 如果存在慢性健康不良狀況,食用某些藥物和/或近期手術可能需要你在潛水前獲得醫生的書面批准。

為避免失望,請下載並查看潛水員醫療健康調查表 Diver Medical From,以確保在註冊水肺課程之前不需要獲得醫生的批准就能潛水。 教練,潛水長和潛店工作人員不是醫師,不應徵求他們的醫療意見; 只有醫療專業人員才能提供醫療許可以潛水。

如果你(或你的醫生)對潛水的健康狀況有疑問,請與Divers Alert Network(DAN)的專家聯繫。



課程先決條件: 水肺潛水員證書或有四次訓練潛水的入門級證書的證明,比如開放水域潛水員。




  • 支持你當地的潛水社區
  • 遇到你當地的潛水夥伴
  • 瞭解你當地的生態系統


  • 計畫去一個潛水目的地度假
  • 喜歡在旅行時認識新朋友
  • 在度假期間有時間完成你的課程




  • 支持你當地的潛水社區
  • 遇到你當地的潛水夥伴
  • 瞭解你當地的生態系統


  • 計畫去一個潛水目的地度假
  • 喜歡在旅行時認識新朋友
  • 在度假期間有時間完成你的課程

當你從我們的網站購買再激活課程 eLearning 電子學習教材時,費用僅涵蓋知識發展部分。如果你選擇在 PADI 教練的指導下完成水中技巧練習,將會有額外的費用。

水中訓練的具體費用取決於班級規模、環境以及是否需要租用潛水裝備。聯繫 PADI 潛水中心或度假村獲取更多資訊和價格。


PADI eLearning線上學習: 2-3 小時

整個課程: 2-6 天

English, Korean, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, French

PADI 線上課程設計和測試在下列流覽器已完成。 為了獲得最佳體驗,請確保你的網頁流覽器是最新的

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Firefox

如果你打算在沒有互聯網的地方進行後續學習,請使用 PADI Training APP 應用程序下載課程內容並離線學習。 內容可以分單元完成下載,總文檔大小約為540 MB。 當你重新上網時,上傳學習進度,以便你可以從上次中斷的地方繼續進行培訓。

PADI Training APP 應用程序可用於Android,Apple和Apple iOS設備。 為了獲得理想的體驗,設備型號不應超過三代主型號,並且要以最新的作業系統運行。



More Courses

你的教練將伴你身邊一起體驗新的探險潛水。 專為想要提高技能的新手潛水員而設計。

ReActivate FAQs

Is PADI ReActivate required?

Your PADI certification never expires, but if it’s been 6-12 months since your last scuba dive and/or the thought of assembling your dive gear makes you nervous, a refresher is a good idea. It’s better to be over-prepared and dive safely than risk a problem because you forgot something important. For just a knowledge review, complete PADI eLearning™. To get comfortable in the water again, also schedule time for an in-water refresher with a PADI Dive Professional.

What is the difference between PADI ReActivate and Refresher?

PADI ReActivate is a fully personalized scuba refresher program – you’ll only have to cover the areas where your dive skills and knowledge need review. Move quickly through topics you know well, then dive deeper where your knowledge may have lapsed. Progress at your own pace, with as much (or little) guidance as needed from a PADI Professional to restore your mastery of fundamental scuba diving skills. A scuba refresher is an in-water dive skill review in a pool or confined water setting.

Do I need a PADI Refresher?

If you’re not a habitual diver (or have less than 20 lifetime dives), but you’re planning to scuba dive soon, you may want to take a refresher course before your next open water dive. Scuba diving requires specific skills and knowledge that can lapse if not practiced regularly.

Spend more time exploring the underwater world at your dive destination by completing your PADI ReActivate Scuba Refresher eLearning program in advance online and your in-water skill session with your local dive shop.

What do you do in a Scuba Refresher?

To receive an updated, ReActivated dive certification card, you’ll complete an in-water session with a PADI Dive Instructor, reviewing any skills you may have forgotten and performing fundamental dive skills: ascents and descents, assembling a scuba unit, and how to address common problems underwater.

What is covered in PADI Refresher?

A scuba diving refresher is the in-water skills component of the PADI ReActivate program under the guidance of a PADI Professional. In this session, you will review essential dive skills to get comfortable in the water again. Your PADI Pro will tailor the review to your specific needs. Here are some of the questions and skills that may be reviewed in a PADI Refresher:

  • How many scuba dives have you made, and in what conditions and environments?
  • When and where were your last scuba dives?
  • What dive skills do you want to practice?
  • How did your last scuba dives go? What would help you to improve them?

Next, the PADI Professional will watch you set up your dive gear, followed by pre-dive safety checks. Can you remember BWRAF (BCD, Weights, Releases, Air and Final okay)? Try using the saying ‘Breakfast With Rice And Fish’ to recall the correct order. Once in the water, you’ll demonstrate dive ascents, dive descents, mask clearing, mask removal and mask replacement, buoyancy control (neutral buoyancy, hovering, maintaining buoyancy while swimming), and alternate air source ascents to ensure you’re prepared if an out-of-air situation should occur.


您將接收到關於潛水度假勝地,PADI 課程, 產品,活動邀請,以及奇妙的海洋生物等的精彩內容及資訊。

享9折優惠報名參加您的下一門 eLearning 潛水課程!